
Drilling Services

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Oil & Gas Assets with Our Drilling Services

Wells Worldwide 10,000
Drilling Efficiency 99%
Countries 40
Clients 5,235
Safety 99.9%
Unlock the Full Potential of Your Oil & Gas Assets with Our Drilling Services

At NEWSCO, we are committed to delivering unparalleled services to the oil and gas industry, harnessing innovative technologies and expertise to meet the evolving needs of our clients. Our comprehensive suite of services ensures efficiency, safety, and sustainability in operations, from exploration to production. Our dedicated teams specialize in Directional Drilling, Drilling Optimization, MWD/LWD, and Remote Drilling, offering tailored solutions that maximize productivity and minimize environmental impact. Discover how we can support your project's success with our cutting-edge services.

Directional Drilling

Guiding Your Path to Success

Our Directional Drilling services employ advanced technologies and seasoned expertise to precisely navigate the drill bit, optimizing wellbore placement for maximum recovery and minimal environmental disruption. With a focus on accuracy and efficiency, we ensure your drilling operations meet their targets, reducing time and costs while enhancing safety and production outcomes.

Drilling Optimization

Maximizing Efficiency, Minimizing Risk

Drilling Optimization at NEWSCO integrates real-time data analysis with innovative drilling techniques to enhance drilling performance. Our approach reduces non-productive time, optimizes drilling parameters, and mitigates risks, ensuring your operations are both cost-effective and high-performing. Let us help you achieve optimal drilling efficiency with our expert solutions.


Precision Data, Enhanced Decisions

Our MWD/LWD services provide critical, real-time downhole data, enabling informed decision-making and precise steering of the drilling process. By leveraging high-quality measurements of formation properties and drilling dynamics, we empower operators to optimize well placement, monitor safety, and enhance the overall efficiency of drilling operations.

Remote Drilling

Innovating Operations

NEWSCO leads with cutting-edge Remote Drilling services, drastically cutting costs by streamlining survey times and reducing on-site personnel needs. Our technology paves the way for survey on demand and unmanned operations, setting a new standard in directional drilling. The Smart Collar system, central to our offerings, supports robust, unmanned operations with a simple interface, allowing for the remote transmission of critical data like inclination, azimuth, and gamma ray readings. With Newsco, efficiency meets innovation: "If you can pump it, we can pulse it," revolutionizing remote drilling practices.